Thursday, June 24, 2010

Quisqualis Indica ... Rangoon Creeper

   Now this creeper is a real beauty and never fails to attract attention with its clusters of  heavy blooms.  The burst of white, pink and red  flowers against a mass of green foliage is just so spectacular to behold!  My younger brother was so fascinated by this plant that he bought me two plants.   I planted them along the fence. To our astonishment within  hardly 2 months the two plants had flourished and started blooming profusely !  The creepers grew so rapidly that it reminded me of  Jack and his beanstalk!  Overnight the two creepers seemed to  sprout new growth, and they  are so considerate in taking turns to bloom!  When evening comes , the gorgeous blooms exude a  gentle and soothing fragrance that teases the senses . In the morning  fragrance lingers on but by the afternoon it is gone, only to return in the evening.   

Both of  my creepers are the "double".  I have seen the "single" but  they are less attractive but no less appealing.  The flowers bloomed in pure white, then  gradually turn light pink  and finally blood red,  within 2 to 3 days.  The clusters of  blooms  would normally   last for about 2 weeks or more. The  blooms as they wilt and die will stain the walls or floors they fall on.  So it was a good thing I planted them along the fence. Once the flowers have dropped completely , I  prefer to  trim it off. to allow new growth. Being a creeper, the rangoon creeper seems rather robust and do not need much care. It seems to be happy growing and blooming......! One of its common name is "Drunken Sailor", I have yet to find out  how the name comes about. 



Alfredo Tan said...

Lovely! Does it require full-sun to grow well? I'm thinking of growing one in my balcony indoors;)

Sun-ni Mi-ni Gardener said...

Hello Alfredo,
Thanks for dropping by. I have seen people growing this plant on their balconies. Just bear in mind that it will need good support as the foliage and flowers can be rather heavy. When the flowers start to drop it can be a bit messy and may even stain. I have to do some heavy pruning now that the plants have grown much so much, especially after each blooming period...I think this plant does just as well under partial sun. I am sure you will love this plant very much....

Pratibha said...

I love this plant.Your photos of the blooms are breathtaking.Also thanks for the info.