Friday, October 22, 2010

Nilam Plant

At the nursery we asked the owner to recommend us some plants that gives off scent - she said the Nilam plant is a good plant to grow. The scent from the leaves is not unlike the pandan when they are dry. Freshly plucked, the scent from the leaf is very mild.  This sounded interesting so we  bought the plant .   The plant was not in very good shape as it was attacked by the mealy bugs. So I trimmed off some of the leaves and loose branches. Since it is a herbaceous plant, I  thought  the cuttings could grow, so I planted them as well..  While at the nursery the plant had been  left in the shade under some bigger plants, so I placed my new plant in the shade as well.  Sure enough the cuttings  did take root.  The  Nilam plant  was doing well with frequent watering.  I am worried about the mealy bugs, so still checked them on and off just in case.   Now and then  I left  some cut leaves in a container by window. Yes, the fragrant  scent  from the leaves gets progressively stronger each day.
As what I would normally do,  I surfed the net for some information on the Nilam plant.  Apparently this plant is grown commercially for the patchouli oil.  The patchouli   oil  from this Nilam plant  (Pogostemon cablin)   is a species from the genus   Pogostemon .  It is supposed to be related to the mint faimily.  However this herb is not edible.  The patchouli oil is widely used in cosmetic, toiletries, etc.  You can read more from this link  To read more on the patchouli oil and uses, this is an interesting site, 


Chen Yen Ling said...

Very interesting. Didn't know about it until visit to a fragrance factory in France!

Chen Yen Ling said...

Very interesting. Never knew about it until visit to a fragrance factory in France!