Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dark and Bright Side of Gardening....

Life is pretty much like the coin, there is always two sides to it..... Of course there is always the 'grey' side - when the coin goes for a spin .... !

The last one week I was away in the city - getting out of the comfort zone (my garden) !  My  ever  kind and obliging nephew took us to see the Secret Garden at 1 Utama.....a unique garden and a source of inspiration indeed.  Photography  will not do justice to this very special garden. I felt almost at home there because I spied some of the plants I have there......!  We also checked out the Amazonian Waterlily at the ponds - spectacular ! Unfortunately there were no blooms then, but many buds.  Do take a minute to read about this  amazing waterlily at this link : -

Oh dear, I just got distracted.... ah yes, in gardening there is always the bright and dark sides as well....On one hand we love nature - the beauty it often portrays, but now and then the ugly side will rear its head. Check out these gruesome creatures I dug out from two of  my pots......!

How did I know they were there? My plants ( the Cardwell Lily posted :  28th aug 2010   and the Mosquito Plant posted :   26th Aug 2010 ) were looking yellow and unhealthy. Then I spied one of these horrible creatures when I dig around to check out what was wrong......! I am not sure  if my mosquito plant will survive as its  roots seemed to be in really bad shape, but the Cardwell Lily will survive, I think.  I re-pot the two plants with fresh soil.  I am currently inspecting  the other pots as well.......! 

What are these horrible creatures? I think they are some sort of beetle bugs as I noticed that some were about to hatch....! 

Well the bright side of  gardening.....I was overjoyed when I noticed the numerous buds on my garlic vine (posted 24 October)......! Check these out ....

TO BE CONTINUED......! (continuation posted on 21st Nov 2010)


pin said...

Looks like worms!

Sun-ni Mi-ni Gardener said...

They are grubs actually --- worms are friendly and harmless, but these grubs are veracious eater of roots, very destructive. They will eventually turn into beetles....