Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Herbs - "The Black Face General"

I know I am dragging my fingers to type this blog.......just feeling unmotivated after the breaks I had been taking this last month and more. Actually we are just back from a two nights, three days trip to Cameron Highlands, attending a reunion with husband's ex-university mates. This morning, we decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. We had both been over-eating  from the reunion dinners and lunches, and lack  of exercise, despite the crisp cool highland air.  Too much time spent sitting around,  and catching up with one another.

We noticed that the council had replaced some plants along the roads.  Strangely the new trees  are all bound tightly with some sort of material.  Lets hope the new trees will soon grow strong and big. There was a man enjoying his plants  and the  cool morning air . In his hands were a bunch of leaves. He said  he had just plucked them. The leaves are from a plant called " Black Face General" (a direct translation from chinese word " Hei Mian Jian Jun"; its botanical name is Strobilanthes crispus  ) . I have this plant in my garden as well.

I got this plant from my mother. She planted it from cuttings. My mother's philosophy was to grow as many useful herbs as possible so that whenever anyone need them, they are available. She used to read all those chinese magazines and books on herbs and their usage.  My father would teasingly called her the 'Tua Lou Koon" (Specialist Doctor) because she  believed in using her herbal plants for ailments  like cough, fever, constipation, diarrhea, etc .     

Back to the the Black Face General., this herb is popular due to its  anti-cancer properties as well as other uses.  The reader is encouraged to read this article :http://www.greenculturesg.com/articles/jan06/blackfacegeneral.htm. to learn more on this plant.

This plant is really green and glossy as can see from the picture. It grows easily and needs constant pruning. So far I never have to use fertilizer nor do I need to water it a lot, even on hot days.  It grows well despite lack of attention given and is really fuss and  pest free. The leaves are rough to the touch, and the stem rather noddy. It is a hardy plant.   People tell me the leaves makes a cool refreshing drink on hot days, but I have to yet to try it.  The plant has only flowered once and they were yellow in color. 

Interested to know more herbal plants ? Okay, more next blog.

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