Friday, October 8, 2010

Polygonum Minus (Daun Kesum or Laksa Leaves)

 Now this is an interesting herbaceous plant  The leaves produces the  pungent smell that is associated with the Assam Laksa dish!  This herb is actually used in many other local dishes as well - it gives a nice flavor to the spicy, hot and sour dishes.   This herb is actually very easily propagated. I bought some stalks, a bunch would cost about RM 1 in the wet market.  Soak those stalks unused  in water and when roots appear, plant them in a moist damp area under some shade.  The herb will grow easily and in no time, there will be enough to use for cooking. I like having this herb in the garden, although it looks more like a weed than a useful herb for cooking!  This herb need to be trimmed now and then for it to grow nicely, otherwise it will become all dangling and unruly. 

Something interesting to add, according to "Rimbun Dahan", (, the leaves can be  pounded, oil extracted  and mixed with water . Apply the mixture to scalp, leave a few minutes for clearing dandruff! Cool, should try this ! 

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