Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Five Days of Rain .......

Strong Winds !
I want to record the continuous rainfall that went on and on non-stop, for the last 5 days straight. I read in the papers that some places were flooded and families needed to be evacuated.  Sad especially when I think of how cold it was (about 26 Deg C, cold when the  normal temperatures always hover around 30 deg or so). How these people must have suffered  the wet and cold discomfort, aside from worrying about safety and other matters.  For those of us not affected  the cold is a luxury to savor as we  snuggle under warm blankets in bed at night,  without the air-conditioning or ceiling fan on for a change .....! Nice for a change from  the usual blistering scorching sun and heat .... Aside from a temperature drop, the strong winds or at times just  gentle cool breeze  does serve to flush the stale polluted air away .... somehow the air feels cleaner and fresher and generally one feels so good, if not for the restless that comes from  being house bound !

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