Saturday, October 23, 2010

Garden Croton (Codiaeum Variegatum)

These garden crotons are fascinating as their leathery leaves are so colorful.   Garden crotons come in different shapes and a rainbow of bold colors -  splashes of reds, magentas, yellows, rust, orange, and of course the green.  Shapes can be long and thin (like the ones I have), star shaped, oblong, short and broad, long and broad, curly and twisted, etc..  I have  only these two colors  - one with  the different splashes of red, orange, yellow (left hand side picture) and the other mostly just yellow (see below).

These garden crotons are so easy to propagate. Just cut stalks of  4 -8 inches long, insert them  into the ground and within two weeks or more, they will be sprouting new shoots.  I initially planted them in pots as I like the graceful drop of these colorful foliage,  but since then I decided to plant them  along the drain as hedges  

Garden crotons are really fuss free plants and pest free.  They like the hot sun.  They will drop their leaves if they do not have sufficient water, but they grow back again fast enough when watered sufficiently.  They like being pruned, new shoots grow fast after a pruning. These plants are really so easy to care for, being robust plants.   

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