Saturday, October 23, 2010


Would I be accused of being non-patriotic if I do not have a Bunga Raya (Hibiscus) in my garden? After all the Bunga Raya (single petal Hibiscus rosa-sinensis ) is our national flower.  There are many species,  varieties  and hybrids  of Hibiscus. In my collection I have only a red and  a pink hibiscus,  both  are of the double petals rosa sinensis variety.  Take a look.

This red one is my earliest recollection of  what a  hibiscus is. There were about  three of four  bushes of this hibiscus planted along the driveway  to our old house, as were the Peacock  Shrubs. They were very old plants.  I took a cutting from  a neighbor  who has this  red hibiscus sometime  last December (2009). The cuttings take root easily.  I have three  cuttings  that  I planted on the same spot. I hope to grow a bush   They are  growing well but  slow, perhaps the location where I planted them is not so friendly, more exposed to the hot sun.  They started blooming  rather fast, which is surprising. 

Below is how my red hibiscus looks like after 10 months of growth. Soon I might prune them so they will grow bushy and compact, but it seems such a shame to disturb them now.

 The following  are pictures of my pink hibiscus.  The pink hibiscus grow faster, but are more susceptible to mealy bugs. I got to constantly watch out for these pests, pick them off the plant whenever I see clusters of them, as I dislike spraying chemicals.  I like the pink hibiscus very much and  have planted them in 3 various locations.
 The buds.

While the red hibiscus leaves are more pointy and narrow, the pink  ones  are more broad and less serration.  Hibiscus flowers are rather showy, being so big. The downside is they only bloom for a day. However the blooms are all year round. There are blooms almost daily once they are established.

Maybe I should collect more varieties of hibiscus to grow in my garden, after all they are so easy to care for and grow well in our climate.

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